Enrolling at our school is an important and exciting process. There are 3 simple steps to follow:
1. The enrolment application
2. The enrolment interview
Certain documents must be available for presentation at the interview. Without the correct documents the enrolment cannot proceed. Please bring the follow items to the enrolment interview:
You and the children applying for enrolment
Each child's birth certificate
A current passport and visa is required for any child born overseas
Each child’s most recent student report card
Your proof of residency:
Recent electricity/telephone account. (If family resides with a relative or friend, a statutory declaration is required stating that they will be residing at that particular address. This must be signed by a JP.)
Owners - rates notice
Renters - lease agreement and a verification letter signed by a real estate agent.
At the enrolment meeting we will:
Discuss the details on your enrolment application
Organise uniforms, books and any fees payable
Complete an enrolment agreement.
3. Important policies to read and understand
Please read these important documents prior to the enrolment interview:
Dress Code
student code of conduct (PDF, 2MB)
Religious instructions (DOC, 198KB)
To enrol a student at Pacific Pines Primary
contact the school office and make an appointment for an interview with the principal.
View the department's
online calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.